Monday, June 6, 2011

Helpful teaching websites

This site offers book and video references for core and state standard material! Wahoo!

This site offers materials and additional links that align with state standards and core curriculum


  1. I looked at the top UEN site you posted. It looks great. I've seen it before, but your blog forced me to look at it again. I was especially interested in the LA ideas for the common core this year. I will share this with my team.

  2. Leigh Ann,
    I hope your summer is going well. Thanks for talking about AIMS web in our Wimba class. I knew you'd know more about it than I do. I hope you can enjoy your summer.

  3. I use both these sites on a regular basis, and you're right, they are VERY helpful. Like Jan said especially with the new common core coming upon us. Thank you for the reminder.

  4. Thanks for these helpful sites. Hope I can remember them!

  5. I use the uen site as my class web page. Its got some great tools, including a blog. I am going to use the blog as a tool for outreach to parents, to keep them updated on all things that are happening in the classroom. I also hope to have students and parents add comments on my blogs to encourage communication and classroom discussions. I love the uen site.

  6. Thanks for refreshing my memory on these good websites. I had forgotten about the pioneer one. It's always great when someone refreshes your memory.

  7. UEN and the Pioneer library are two very powerful webpages with a lot of untapped resources. Thanks for the information.

  8. the Pioneer site is great. We use it for short ideas all the time in History. Glad you posted that up there.

  9. Great sites.....I'm a follower! Any great advice for me starting this year in 2nd grade? I taught 6th for the past four years
